Tuesday, June 8

Summer Fun

I mentioned a few days ago that we have been having a great summer and most of the things we do are free or very cheap. I have 4 kids and even things that cost just $4 or $5 a person adds up to $25- $30 for us- so I am very thankful that we live in a place the has so much to offer, especially in the summer that just doesn't cost much if anything at all. So these are things we have done and have planned:
Picnics- we love picnics- OK we LOVE to eat or at least I LOVE to eat LOL but picnics are so fun with the kids. We pick different parks and even our own backyard. On rainy days we throw a blanket on the living room floor and have indoor picnics. The kids have a great tent that works well to keep out bugs when outside if needed and fun to make it feel like it's outdoors when we set it up inside. I also pretend to be a short order cook and we make up names for restaurants and then I change hats and become the waitress- lots of fun until they start taking it too far and ordering more and more! :-)
Hikes- there are 1000's of places to go for hikes in AK and we have our favorites. I do worry a little about bears since my husband usually doesn't hike with us and I am more afraid of shooting myself than the bear if need- so I tend to go for the trails that are not known for lots of bears and I do take my bear spray because I realize this is AK and they may not be plentiful in some areas but it doesn't mean they are not there. My kids are so darn loud that I think that helps??
Library day- I have signed all 4 kids up for the summer reading program at the Wasilla library. We love to read and I have to admit that this has been fun for me because I never utilize our library and now I am. So free books, movies, etc... definite bonus.
Festivals- Ti's' the season. It is fun to walk around- take in the sites and smells and just have fun. The kids love the weekend market in Anchorage and it's fun to walk around once or twice a season.
Garage Sale- Every Fri and Sat the kids load up in the van and we go looking for bargains- not always free since I do buy things along the way but definitely cheap since I have found some great bargains. I have to go to about 10 not so good ones for everyone 1 that I find something I am excited about but the kids must be enjoying it because they are disappointed when it rains or I don't plan to go. I can usually find them .10-1.00 items that will make their day too!
Day trips- We enjoy going to Eklutna Lake, Talkeetna, Girdwood and Anchorage. Most of this time we our just site seeing, maybe a little tourist shopping- I love the work of local artist and again hiking and picnic's.
Swimming- local lakes are good but I prefer the high school pool, although not free ($14 for a family at Wasilla High) it is free of leaches LOL!

So that's what we have been doing or are planning thus far. My DH and I are talking about renting an RV and doing a little circle trip- up to Fairbanks and down to Homer. We did this trip a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I have never seen whales in AK and I have never done a train trip- so those are possibilities too. Of course these are not free but well worth the money I am sure.

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