Wednesday, June 2

A few good deals at Walgreens

I have a love hate relationship with Walgreens. When the deals go well then I feel on top of the world but all too often they just don't go as planned. Today's trip was a good one. The U by Kotex pads and liners are on sale for 3.99 with a $2.50 rr - there are several $1.00 off mfr coupons out there like the one from here and when you purchase the pads or liners you get a catalina for a free package of Always liners (up to $5!!). So 2 packages of pads, liners etc. for .50! The other great deal is the Neutrogena Soaps are giving a $10.00 RR when you purchase 3- they cost less than $3.00 a bar- so a very easy way to get free soap that is a nice brand and quality and even have a little money left over! :-) I did take advantage of a few of there other "free" deals (only free after you pay them and they give you an "RR" (register reward) good towards your next purchase. We have a great Walgreens here in Wasilla and they are very nice about allowing me to do several transactions- so I genereally pay out of pocket for my first order and then use the RR's to pay for my other items. Today it cost me around $10 out of pocket for over $40 of items that we needed; 3 bars of Neutrogena soap, 3 diet A&W rootbeers (raincheck from last week for 1.00/bottle), 2 bottles of vitamins (b1g1 sale- they have this every week I think- just rotates through the brands), U by Kotex pads, Always pads, and a toothpaste ( a brand I have never tried but cost a lot! It was one of the "free after RR's" deals). There are some other good deals that I need to go back for because I was short on time and wasn't sure if the Neutrogena deal was going to work or require me returning them, which can be time consuming- so I'll take another run this week and maybe get some more of these items as well as the Aqua Fresh for kids with the coupon in the Walgreen flyer for 1.19 and an IP coupon (no longer available) for $1.00.

I am also looking at the Carrs/Safeway flyer and trying to decide how to work the $4 off of 8 items deals- since it's really just another .50 off of each item I know not all of it is great deals and there are over 3000 items included in the deal which means it will take me some time to really shop, instead of my usual pre-prep of having a list with all of my coupons already pulled. I know there are a few things worth going for including the Pepsi 2 lts for $1 and the Crystal Light for 1.99 and I have lots of $1.00 coupons off- but beyond that I need to do a little more checking- :-)

And finally for my freebie report besides the free Always pads (5.00) I did get a coupon for a free Butterfingers ($1.00) ( I think this came from FB several months ago), a trial size Lever 2000 (Walmart sample) ($1), 4 packs of Lemon and Lime flavor packages ($1) , 3 shampoo and 3 conditoner samples of Pantene (from Costco this weekend) ($6) . I used my free Mayo with Olive oil Kraft coupon.. at Target (3.29). I also got the new Gillette razor (w/ coupons!) ($11.00 - based on price at Target)- so the total for this entry $28- yae!

I will try to add some of my favorite coupon sites, blogs, deal finders etc. over the next few weeks but as long as the weather is so great I can't stay inside with the kids- it's just too nice and since we have to be inside so much of the year it feels extra good to be out and moving around. Loving all the free things to do in Alaska!! Maybe my next blog will be sharing what we have done in the 2 weeks that the kids have been off- almost all of it has been free! :-)

1 comment:

Life in My Land said...

Me too on Walgreens. The one I go to in Muldoon won't let you use a register reward the day you earn it or split up transactions. I hardly take the time to go anymore unless I really need the RR item and can deal with the odd rules. Great job on your blog, I enjoy reading it.