Wednesday, June 9

Everyone loves a deal!

I think I have gotten my husband hooked on a good deal. He doesn't do much with coupons and sometimes even frustrates me when he does take it upon himself to pick up a "few items" because invariably he comes home with items that I have coupons for. But today he redeemed himself. We (he) are building a fort/play structure for the kids and while on a trip to Home Depot he came across a stack of siding sheets that were 1/2 off because of some defects... defects in a fort just add character right? LOL So he saved $160! I am so proud of him :-) This is a project that we have been wanting to do for about 3 years and I am really excited to see it come to fruition and am really OK with the fact that it is going to cost some bucks to really do it right but it's also a kids fort and I hate to think of too much money going into it- so this was just a nice plus. We are realizing that when you find a deal like that you have to jump on it immediately- we typically will take some time to think it over and of course it's gone by the time we make up our mind and even today he just went to get a cart and when he came back there was someone else loading the boards up- Yikes- it was no problem- the man took all of the others but we got what we needed and it worked out fine. I can't wait to see this project complete- the kids really need an outlet, even in the winter and I think this will be a lot of fun for them. I finally found my missing camera cord so I can start posting pictures :-)
I made it over to the Wasilla Farmers Market today and purchased some Rhubarb- I am so anxious to get local fruits and veggies that I was willing to buy just about anything they had but it's still really limited. I will be making a custard rhubarb pie tomorrow- something we had when I was a kid and really enjoyed.
I did one quick trip into FM just to buy milk and butter but took another minute to look through the coupon bin. I was excited to find some more Kraft coupons and will probably use these at Carr's with the buy 8 and save $4.
In my mail I received from Walmart a free sample of Secret Clinical Strength deodorant- 1 Dr Scholl's comfort insert ( I thought that was funny that I got 1- I guess I can swap it back and forth throughout the day LOL) and that came with a $2 off coupon. I got some more Huggie coupons too.
I need to get my coupon binder organized- I cleaned it out in the beginning of the month but it seems like I need to do it every week lately and I just haven't taken the time. If I don't have my binder well organized with all of my coupons clipped and in the inserts I find it very frustrating to try and shop or match deals- so it's well worth it to me but it also seems like it is harder and harder to find the time. I do utilize my 5 and 6 yr old in helping me cut out coupons- especially the older one- he has a learning disability that effects has eye hand coordination and cutting use to be very difficult for him but he loves to help me and I can see a big improvement in this skill- so it's a total win win! Now the younger one- well he does his best :-). I make sure he gets the coupons that I am not as concerned with.

1 comment:

BEFFY! said...

hey jill!
isn't it fun how couponing and deal hunting sort of wears off on the guys? my husband is not real excited about my couponing, but he does like how much money it saves. i just have to watch how much time it consumes from my day.
he'll love this story about the home depot find though! :)