Saturday, October 16

Fred Meyer Anniversary Sale

Have you all seen the great deals starting Sun. 10/17 for the FM Anniversary Sale? It looks like some good stock up prices for me. If you aren't on their e-mail list you should get on it because they sent out a coupon for triple reward points this week. This came at a perfect time because I am in need of many items and was planning a big shopping trip anyways. I may be a little overly excited about this but it seems like it has been a while since we have a seen a good sale at our local grocery stores or at least on the things I usually buy.  My favorite deals include the country oven bread for 1.25 (will purchase a bunch and freeze) - Frito Chips 2/ $3- 2 24pks Coke for $12- 40% off of Amy's Natural Foods (I have some nice coupons to go with those that I recieved when I sent a note asking them if they ever offered coupons!), Organic Valley 30% - there are several coupons for that brand as well. I will post again tomorrow after I go and see what other deals I can find!
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1 comment:

BEFFY! said...

I am SO excited to go to Fred's tomorrow! (I'm nerdy like that!) I agree there are fantastic sales going on. Don't forget to print the $2/2 7th Generation coupon on their site for close to free paper towels! I've already made a big folder of coupons to use this week, just waiting to get a hold of the paper in person.
Post what you find for bargains!