Tuesday, May 11

Great Fred Meyer Trip!

Fred Meyer is the store that I do most of my grocery shopping. This week they have some great deals! I recieved a 500 reward bonus for being an email subscriber and that equates to $5 in cash when I get my rewards bonus in 3 months. Speaking of which, I was able to use my $9.47 reward today and along with my coupons- I saved $33.62 and spent $36.09- so almost a 50% savings on items I would have spent 69.71 on just a few months ago.

My best deals were:
Free cover girl mascara with any CG purchase- I was able to find a double eye liner pack for 3.00 and used a $2.50 off 2 CG items- so 1 free mascara (8.99) and an eye liner for .50!!

Frito Lay Kettle chips 2.50 and had a coupon for $2 off of 2= so 1.50/bag!

Breyers Ice Cream $2.50 and when you buy 2-4 you get back $2-$4 on your next purchase- YUM!

$2 on produce = free red bell pepper and some banana's

And remember you can stack store coupons with manufactures coupons and that's how the savings really add up!!
(25.46 in free goods!)

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