Thursday, May 20

Freebie Update

With this being the last week of school, it has been much busier than I expected but I want to be sure to post my freebies from this week or I know I will forget! In the mail I received a Philosphy sample- 2 Pantene ( 1 conditioner and 1 shampoo) samples, a tone silky lotion body wash (?), 2 copies of Lego magazine for the kids, $40 in checks for the Tylenol recall- I actually feel a little bad because I know I spent less than $10 on 5 bottles and they must have been refunding $8 a bottle!! A coupon for free Chiquita banana's (1.25) but I won't count that until I use it. A free DVD with music and games from Pampers Kandoo. I used my coupon from Modern Moms review forum for a free Wood wick air freshener at Walmart- $16.99! I am still waiting for my Kraft package (hope it comes!) and a few more rebate checks. It really is more fun to get the mail when it is not just bills. I can't really put a dollar value on some of the freebies and I don't want to count the coupons until I use them- I am going to just count the Tylenol check for $30 ($40- $10 I actually paid) and the free Wood wick air thingy for $17. A total of $47!! Yippee :-) There are some more great deals to be found but with all 4 kids home and my husband is working 70 hrs a week (!!!) I don't know if I will get a chance to get out and find them but if I do I will be sure to share them here!

1 comment:

Life in My Land said...

This is the craziest time of year, almost as busy as Christmas. Great job on your couponing and freebies! I signed up for a few of the things you mentioned and haven't seen them yet. Hopefully today will be the day! Enjoy your summer. I'm headed to the last day at the school today and then it's gardening, college classes, and summer fun for me. Thanks for the update!